As Seen on Twitter: Vol. 6

We are coming to the end of an era on Twitter. An era in which I used the tag #CoderJournos to quote relevant, newsworthy content with my Web Design & Development class. These past couple of weeks, I have retweeted story topics that range from app development news to politics in the fashion industry. As you know, I have been tweeting using #CoderJournos since the beginning of January. Check out “As Seen on Twitter: Vol. 5” to catch up on what was trending on Twitter last month.

Happenings on Twitter

Apple Watch Debuts a Slew of New Apps for Skiers

The Apple Watch, which has been loved by fitness fanatics and athletes since 2015, has debuted the Apple Watch Series 3. A new software has been developed for the Series 3 that’s geared specifically toward skiers. The built-in GPS, accelerometer, and altimeter are just a few features that work in tandem with apps to record and monitor your performance on the hill. While the watch is popular amongst runners, swimmers, cyclists, etc., it hadn’t tapped the skier market until now. A slew of ski centric apps, such as snoww, Slopes, Snocru, and Ski Tracks, work with Series 3 and are controlled by voice control. The apps track metrics related to your physical activity. Read more about this from Powder.

Photographers and Editors on How to Save Street Style From Itself

Editor Lindsay Peoples acknowledges the issue of representation in street style in this Op Ed published by The Cut. Peoples presents the controversial issue by including the opinion of 14 fashion photographers. As Peoples says, “fashion thrives on exclusivity,” which presents itself as an industry-wide problem. The opinions from the 14 photographers, some of whom remained anonymous, can be found here.

Giving Mountains Back their Indigenous Names

Did you know that Colorado’s peaks have indigenous, native names? Len Necefer, a 29-year-old Navajo climber, is using social media to pay homage to the indigenous histories of the land. Necefer has been tagging the geolocations of Colorado 14ers with their indigenous, native names. Longs Peak, for example, is called Neníisótoyóú’u in Arapahoe. The social media effort began as an effort to “advocate for public lands and diversify the outdoor industry,” according to the article. The campaign expanded into @NativeOutdoors. The project aims to get people talking about indigenous histories and representation in the outdoors.

How K-Pop Became a Global Phenomenon

The K-pop industry is South Koreas greatest, and most profitable, export. But K-Pop didn’t become a global phenomenon by accident. This long form article examines the evolution of the K-Pop industry and how it’s given South Korea world attention. The music genre is more than just fluffy voices, club beats, and synchronized dances. There is a culture around the music genres and who represents it. Read more about why K-Pop is globally relevant here.

Celebrating Space Oddity David Bowie at the Paramount

On February 25th, David Bowe’s family and former band mates celebrated Ziggy Stardust and his life. A photo set from the event, held at the Paramount Theater in Denver, was shared by Westword. Guest paid homage to the iconic musician by dancing and singing along to live musical performances from friends. Bowie, who past away in 2016, is continuing his legacy by releasing a series of records posthumously. An EP called No Plan; an archival box set featuring the unreleased album The Gouster; reissues of the Labyrinth and The Man Who Fell to Earth soundtracks; the live album Cracked Actor (Live in Los Angeles 1974); a repressing of 1971’s Bowpromo; a second archival box set chronicling Bowie’s Berlin trilogy; and an early demo version of “Let’s Dance” will be unearther from his vault of unrelased material, according to this source.


As I become more active and present on Twitter, I recognize the importance of driving traffic to your profile through engagement with other users. Here are a few of my interactions that have increased my Tweet impressions and profile visits.

To see every volume of “As Seen on Twitter,” stubble over to my portfolio page. You can also follow the #CoderJournos tag through mid-March by following me @Kiira_Walsh.

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